Error Codes

This section describes error codes that occur on the module and in the IRI host library code. These error codes indicate when module, RFID, or host library operations fail, and can be used to indicate what has gone wrong.

When an error occurs in a module, the error code is stored in the key E_IPJ_KEY_LAST_ERROR, at value_index 0. If the error has additional reported paramters, they will be stored at value_index 1 through 4. Errors that occur on the module will usually be communicated to the IRI host, resulting in API function error return types.

When an error occurs in the IRI host library API code execution, it is returned by the called API function. Almost all of the IRI host library API functions have a return type of ipj_error. This makes it easy to capture and examine error events.

When writing IRI host firmware, logic should be implemented to examine these error codes and respond appropriately. The Example Programs demonstrate a very basic error handling behavior, simply printing the error codes and ending operation.

Name Category Error constant Description
E_IPJ_ERROR_SUCCESS 0 0x00000000 Successfully performed last operation, or no error since boot
E_IPJ_ERROR_GENERAL_ERROR 0 0x00000001 Generic error
E_IPJ_ERROR_SET_KEY_INVALID 0 0x00000002 Key set attempted with invalid key ID or other parameter
E_IPJ_ERROR_SET_KEY_READ_ONLY 0 0x00000003 Key set attempted on read only key
E_IPJ_ERROR_SET_KEY_OUT_OF_RANGE 0 0x00000004 Key set attempted with value out of valid range
E_IPJ_ERROR_GET_KEY_INVALID 0 0x00000005 Key get attempted with an invalid key ID or other parameter
E_IPJ_ERROR_GET_KEY_WRITE_ONLY 0 0x00000006 Key get attempted on write only key
E_IPJ_ERROR_COMMAND_INVALID 0 0x00000007 IRI host library start() API function call had an invalid action argument
E_IPJ_ERROR_COMMAND_START_FAILURE 0 0x00000008 IRI host library command start failed for an unknown reason
E_IPJ_ERROR_COMMAND_DECODE_FAILURE 0 0x00000009 IRI host library failed to decode module packet
E_IPJ_ERROR_COMMAND_ENCODE_FAILURE 0 0x0000000A IRI host library failed to encode a packet to a module
E_IPJ_ERROR_COMMAND_STALLED 0 0x0000000B Command has failed to complete within the required time
E_IPJ_ERROR_VALUE_INVALID 0 0x0000000C Module configuration value invalid
E_IPJ_ERROR_MORE_THAN_ONE_COMMAND_RECEIVED 0 0x0000000D Module received multiple conflicting commands
E_IPJ_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 0 0x0000000E Module’s application image does not support the requested feature
E_IPJ_ERROR_INVALID_PRODUCT_CONFIGURATION 0 0x0000000F Module contains an invalid configuration
E_IPJ_ERROR_INVALID_FACTORY_SETTINGS 0 0x00000010 Module contains invalid factory settings
E_IPJ_ERROR_RESPONSE_ENCODE_FAILURE 0 0x00000011 Module encountered an error while trying to encode a report or response
E_IPJ_ERROR_COMMAND_VERIFY_FAILURE 0 0x00000012 Module detected that the intended data was not properly written
E_IPJ_ERROR_INTERNAL_NON_RECOVERABLE 0 0x00000013 Module encountered an internal non-recoverable error.
E_IPJ_ERROR_TEMPLATE_DECODE_FAILURE 0 0x00000014 Module was unable to properly decode the command template
E_IPJ_ERROR_SYSTEM_IN_ERROR_STATE 0 0x00000015 Module is in an error state due to a non-recoverable error
E_IPJ_ERROR_TEST_ERROR 0 0x00000016 Manually generated test error has occured
E_IPJ_ERROR_STORED_SETTING_DECODE 0 0x00000017 Error decoding the stored settings
E_IPJ_ERROR_VALUE_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE 0 0x00000018 Key set or get value_index parameter is out of range
E_IPJ_ERROR_BANK_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE 0 0x00000019 Key set or get API bank_index parameter is out of range
E_IPJ_ERROR_INVALID_PRODUCT_CALIBRATION 0 0x0000001A Module contains invalid calibration data
E_IPJ_ERROR_REPORT_SIZE_WOULD_OVERFLOW 0 0x0000001B Requested report fields and data would overflow the IRI tag operation report buffer.
E_IPJ_ERROR_FIXED_HARDWARE_SETTINGS_LOAD_ERROR 0 0x0000001C Fixed hardware settings were not loaded properly
E_IPJ_ERROR_GEN2_TAG_OTHER_ERROR 1 0x01000001 Tag error catch-all for tag errors not covered by other codes
E_IPJ_ERROR_GEN2_TAG_MEMORY_OVERRUN 1 0x01000002 Tag memory location does not exist or the EPC length field is not supported
E_IPJ_ERROR_GEN2_TAG_MEMORY_LOCKED 1 0x01000003 Tag memory location cannot be accessed
E_IPJ_ERROR_GEN2_TAG_INSUFFICIENT_POWER 1 0x01000004 Tag has insufficient power to perform the memory write operation
E_IPJ_ERROR_GEN2_TAG_NON_SPECIFIC_ERROR 1 0x01000005 Tag error when tag does not support specific error codes
E_IPJ_ERROR_API_DEVICE_NOT_INITIALIZED 2 0x02000001 IRI host library structure iri_device not properly initialized
E_IPJ_ERROR_API_SERIAL_PORT_ERROR 2 0x02000002 IRI host library unable to control UART serial port
E_IPJ_ERROR_API_CONNECTION_READ_TIMEOUT 2 0x02000003 IRI host library timed out waiting for UART traffic from module
E_IPJ_ERROR_API_CONNECTION_WRITE_TIMEOUT 2 0x02000004 IRI connection write timeout
E_IPJ_ERROR_API_CONNECTION_WRITE_ERROR 2 0x02000005 IRI host library failed to write data to the UART transmit properly
E_IPJ_ERROR_API_RX_BUFF_TOO_SMALL 2 0x02000006 IRI host receive buffer too small
E_IPJ_ERROR_API_MESSAGE_INVALID 2 0x02000007 IRI host detected an invalid message
E_IPJ_ERROR_API_NO_HANDLER 2 0x02000008 IRI host library has no handler function registered to handle this action
E_IPJ_ERROR_API_INVALID_LOADER_BLOCK 2 0x02000009 IRI host library flash loader API was passed an invalid block
E_IPJ_ERROR_API_RESPONSE_MISMATCH 2 0x0200000A IRI host library received a response which does not match the command that was sent
E_IPJ_ERROR_API_INVALID_PARAMETER 2 0x0200000B IRI host library API detected an invalid parameter
E_IPJ_ERROR_API_NON_LT_PACKET_DETECTED 2 0x0200000C IRI-LT host library receive routine detected a non-LT packet
E_IPJ_ERROR_IRI_FRAME_DROPPED 3 0x03000001 IRI host library received a missing or malformed IRI packet
E_IPJ_ERROR_IRI_FRAME_INVALID 3 0x03000002 IRI host library received an IRI packet with an invalid frame CRC or parity
E_IPJ_ERROR_MAC_GENERAL 4 0x04000001 A non-specific communication error occurred inside the module
E_IPJ_ERROR_MAC_CRC_MISMATCH 4 0x04000002 Module detected a CRC mismatch on tag response
E_IPJ_ERROR_MAC_NO_TAG_RESPONSE 4 0x04000003 Module detected no tag response
E_IPJ_ERROR_MAC_TAG_LOST 4 0x04000004 Module detected the tag was lost mid-transaction
E_IPJ_ERROR_BTS_DEVICE_WATCHDOG_RESET 5 0x05000001 Module experienced a watchdog reset
E_IPJ_ERROR_BTS_VALUE_INVALID 5 0x05000002 Module bootloader command contains an invalid value
E_IPJ_ERROR_BTS_FLASH_WRITE 5 0x05000003 Module bootloader error writing to flash
E_IPJ_ERROR_BTS_FLASH_READ 5 0x05000004 Module bootloader error reading from flash
E_IPJ_ERROR_BTS_FLASH_ADDRESS 5 0x05000005 Module bootloader error erasing flash because address is protected
E_IPJ_ERROR_BTS_FLASH_ERASE 5 0x05000006 Module bootloader error erasing flash
E_IPJ_ERROR_BTS_UNKNOWN_COMMAND 5 0x05000007 Module bootloader received an unknown command
E_IPJ_ERROR_BTS_COMMAND_DECODE_FAILURE 5 0x05000008 Module bootloader was unable to decode a command
E_IPJ_ERROR_TRANSCEIVER_FAILURE 6 0x06000001 Module error communicating with internal transceiver
E_IPJ_ERROR_LIMIT_PA_TEMPERATURE_MAX 7 0x07000001 Module PA temperature exceeded part specification


Successfully performed last operation, or no error since boot

This error code is returned or stored in the E_IPJ_KEY_LAST_ERROR key when the module boots up, and when operations complete successfully. It does not indicate an error has occurred.

  • Error constant: 0x00000000
  • Category: 0


Generic error

This error occurs in various unlikely scenarios that are not given their own error codes, including many errors that occur when using the test commands.

  • Error constant: 0x00000001
  • Category: 0


Key set attempted with invalid key ID or other parameter

This error occurs if a key set operation is attempted with an invalid key ID, or some other invalid parameter.

Check the key listing for a ist of valid key IDs, and ensure that sets are not being attempted with invalid key IDs.

  • Error constant: 0x00000002
  • Category: 0


Key set attempted on read only key

This error occurs when there is an attempt to set a key that is read only.

Check the key listing for write permissions for each key, and ensure that sets are not being attempted on read only keys.

  • Error constant: 0x00000003
  • Category: 0


Key set attempted with value out of valid range

This error occurs when a key is set to a value that is out of its valid range.

Check the key listing for the minimum and maximum values for the key associated with this error, and ensure that keys aren’t being set out of range.

  • Error constant: 0x00000004
  • Category: 0


Key get attempted with an invalid key ID or other parameter

This error occurs when a key get or bulk get is performed with an invalid key ID, or some other invalid parameter.

Check the key listing for key IDs for each key, and ensure that gets are not being attempted with invalid key IDs.

  • Error constant: 0x00000005
  • Category: 0


Key get attempted on write only key

This error occurs when there is an attempt to get a key value that is write only.

Check the key listing for read permissions for each key, and ensure that gets are not being attempted on write only keys.

  • Error constant: 0x00000006
  • Category: 0


IRI host library start() API function call had an invalid action argument

This error occurs when a start() API function call has an invalid action argument.

  • Error constant: 0x00000007
  • Category: 0


IRI host library command start failed for an unknown reason

This error occurs when a start() API function call fails for a reason other than the others listed here.

  • Error constant: 0x00000008
  • Category: 0


IRI host library failed to decode module packet

This error occurs when the IRI host library API fails to decode a packet from a module.

  • Error constant: 0x00000009
  • Category: 0


IRI host library failed to encode a packet to a module

This error occus when the IRI host library API fails to encode a packet to be sent to a module.

  • Error constant: 0x0000000A
  • Category: 0


Command has failed to complete within the required time

This error occurs when an IRI host configures the module to perform a command or action that must complete within a specified amount of time, and the action fails to complete in that time.

One example is a UART baud rate detection that fails to detect a valid baud rate within the internal time limit.

  • Error constant: 0x0000000B
  • Category: 0


Module configuration value invalid

This error occurs when the internal logic of the module determines that some aspect of the configuration is invalid.

For example, it will occur if the automatically detected UART baud rate is detected to be out of range of valid values.

  • Error constant: 0x0000000C
  • Category: 0


Module received multiple conflicting commands

  • Error constant: 0x0000000D
  • Category: 0


Module’s application image does not support the requested feature

This error occurs when an IRI host requests a module use a specific feature that was not yet implemented in the version of the application image that is loaded on the module.

To update the application image on a module, use the bootloader.

  • Error constant: 0x0000000E
  • Category: 0


Module contains an invalid configuration

This error occurs when a start() API function call is attempted on a module with an invalid product configuration.

This usually indicates that the product configuration stored in module non-volatile memory was not initialized or was damaged after initialization.

  • Error constant: 0x0000000F
  • Category: 0


Module contains invalid factory settings

This error occurs when a start() API function call is attempted on a module with invalid factory settings.

This usually indicates that the factory settings stored in module non-volatile memory were not initialized or were damaged after initialization.

  • Error constant: 0x00000010
  • Category: 0


Module encountered an error while trying to encode a report or response

  • Error constant: 0x00000011
  • Category: 0


Module detected that the intended data was not properly written

  • Error constant: 0x00000012
  • Category: 0


Module encountered an internal non-recoverable error.

  • Error constant: 0x00000013
  • Category: 0


Module was unable to properly decode the command template

  • Error constant: 0x00000014
  • Category: 0


Module is in an error state due to a non-recoverable error

This error occurs when a non-recoverable error has occurred and the module is in an error state.

When this error occurs, more information will be stored in the key E_IPJ_KEY_SYSTEM_ERROR.

Issuing a E_IPJ_ACTION_CLEAR_ERROR action with the start() API will clear the error.

  • Error constant: 0x00000015
  • Category: 0


Manually generated test error has occured

This error occurs when an IRI host configures a module to execute the error control test by setting the E_IPJ_KEY_TEST_ID key to the value E_IPJ_TEST_ID_ERROR_CONTROL.

For more details on using the test commands, see the Test Commands configuration examples.

  • Error constant: 0x00000016
  • Category: 0


Error decoding the stored settings

This error occurs when decoding stored settings fails at a particular key code.

The failing key code is reported in the first error parameter, stored in key E_IPJ_KEY_LAST_ERROR at value_index 1.

For more details on this error, see the Stored Settings documentation.

  • Error constant: 0x00000017
  • Category: 0


Key set or get value_index parameter is out of range

This error occurs when there is an attempt to set or get a key value with an invalid value_index.

Check the key listing for the number of vales for each key.

For more information about the bank and value index arguments of the ipj_set() and ipj_get() APIs, see the Configuration Commands configuration examples.

  • Error constant: 0x00000018
  • Category: 0


Key set or get API bank_index parameter is out of range

This error occurs when there is an attempt to set or get a key value with an invalid bank_index.

Check the key listing for the number of banks for each key.

For more information about the bank and value index arguments of the ipj_set() and ipj_get() APIs, see the Configuration Commands configuration examples.

  • Error constant: 0x00000019
  • Category: 0


Module contains invalid calibration data

This error occurs when a start() API function call is attempted on a module with invalid calibration data.

This usually indicates that the calibration data stored in module non-volatile memory was not initialized or was damaged after initialization.

  • Error constant: 0x0000001A
  • Category: 0


Requested report fields and data would overflow the IRI tag operation report buffer.

This error occurs when a tag operation report, with contents as configured by key E_IPJ_KEY_REPORT_CONTROL_TAG, would exceed the maximum size.

  • Error constant: 0x0000001B
  • Category: 0


Fixed hardware settings were not loaded properly

This error occurs when the module’s firmware fails to load the fixed hardware settings that are programmed into it at calibration.

It has been observed to occur when power supply conditions are unusual or out of spec during startup. If this error occurs during development, the power supply topology and behavior should be inspected. If it occurs in the field, the module should be reset by either a software reset(using the ipj_reset(...) API) or a hardware reset(using the nRST or ENABLE pin).

  • Error constant: 0x0000001C
  • Category: 0


Tag error catch-all for tag errors not covered by other codes

  • Error constant: 0x01000001
  • Category: 1


Tag memory location does not exist or the EPC length field is not supported

This error occurs when tag access operations are attempted with invalid parameters, such as an invalid memory locations or an invalid EPC length field. If this error is encountered, verify the tag’s memory configuration using its technical documentation.

  • Error constant: 0x01000002
  • Category: 1


Tag memory location cannot be accessed

This can occur because the specified tag memory location is locked or permalocked, or is either not writeable or not readable.

  • Error constant: 0x01000003
  • Category: 1


Tag has insufficient power to perform the memory write operation

This error occurs when a tag memory write is attempted and the tag responds with an error indicating that it does not have sufficient power to perform the write. Tags have different power thresholds to perform different operations, and memory write operations are the most power intensive.

  • Error constant: 0x01000004
  • Category: 1


Tag error when tag does not support specific error codes

  • Error constant: 0x01000005
  • Category: 1


IRI host library structure iri_device not properly initialized

This error occurs when the IRI host library does not properly initialize the iri_device structure.

  • Error constant: 0x02000001
  • Category: 2


IRI host library unable to control UART serial port

This error occurs when the IRI host library is unable to control the UART serial port used to implement IRI communication with the module.

  • Error constant: 0x02000002
  • Category: 2


IRI host library timed out waiting for UART traffic from module

This error occurs when the IRI host library runs out of time while waiting for IRI traffic to return from the module.

This usually indicates the module lost power or was disconnected from the host partway through communication, or traffic from the module to the host is being lost somehow.

  • Error constant: 0x02000003
  • Category: 2


IRI connection write timeout

  • Error constant: 0x02000004
  • Category: 2


IRI host library failed to write data to the UART transmit properly

This error occurs when the IRI host library attempts to transmit an IRI packet via the UART and fails to send a complete packet. This usually indicates some problem with the implementation of UART functionality of the platform specific port code.

  • Error constant: 0x02000005
  • Category: 2


IRI host receive buffer too small

  • Error constant: 0x02000006
  • Category: 2


IRI host detected an invalid message

  • Error constant: 0x02000007
  • Category: 2


IRI host library has no handler function registered to handle this action

This error occurs when the IRI host library’s iri_device struct does not have a valid handler function defined to handle a required action for IRI operation.

iri_device function handlers are registered using the IRI library API function ipj_register_handler().

  • Error constant: 0x02000008
  • Category: 2


IRI host library flash loader API was passed an invalid block

This error occurs when the IRI host library’s ipj_flash_handle_loader_block() API is passed a data block with an invalid CRC during an application image bootload operation.

  • Error constant: 0x02000009
  • Category: 2


IRI host library received a response which does not match the command that was sent

This error occurs when the IRI host library sends a command, then receives a response that does not correspond to that command.

This can happen if multiple commands are sent, or a response is somehow missed or lost by the host.

  • Error constant: 0x0200000A
  • Category: 2


IRI host library API detected an invalid parameter

This error occurs when the IRI host library APIs are called with invalid parameters.

Some examples of invalid parameters are a NULL pointer, an array length that is too large, etc.

For more details on the IRI host library APIs and their parameters, see the IRI API functions reference.

  • Error constant: 0x0200000B
  • Category: 2


IRI-LT host library receive routine detected a non-LT packet

This error occurs when the host is configured for IRI-LT operation, and the module communicates a non-IRI-LT packet to it unexpectedly.

  • Error constant: 0x0200000C
  • Category: 2


IRI host library received a missing or malformed IRI packet

This error occurs when the IRI host library detects a packet from a module without the proper length or structure.

  • Error constant: 0x03000001
  • Category: 3


IRI host library received an IRI packet with an invalid frame CRC or parity

This error occurs when the calculated IRI frame CRC or parity did not match the value that was sent.

It usually indicates some error in packet formation or transmission.

  • Error constant: 0x03000002
  • Category: 3


A non-specific communication error occurred inside the module

  • Error constant: 0x04000001
  • Category: 4


Module detected a CRC mismatch on tag response

  • Error constant: 0x04000002
  • Category: 4


Module detected no tag response

  • Error constant: 0x04000003
  • Category: 4


Module detected the tag was lost mid-transaction

  • Error constant: 0x04000004
  • Category: 4


Module experienced a watchdog reset

This error occurs when a module’s watchdog reset functionality detects that it has reached an unrecoverable firmware operating state, and has reset it.

  • Error constant: 0x05000001
  • Category: 5


Module bootloader command contains an invalid value

This error occurs when a module’s bootloader has detected that a command was sent from a host with an invalid command argument.

  • Error constant: 0x05000002
  • Category: 5


Module bootloader error writing to flash

This error occurs when a module’s bootloader is incapable of performing a flash write as instructed by the IRI host, due to an invalid address or other configuration error.

  • Error constant: 0x05000003
  • Category: 5


Module bootloader error reading from flash

This error occurs when a module’s bootloader is incapable of performing a flash read as instructed by the IRI host, due to an invalid address or other configuration error.

  • Error constant: 0x05000004
  • Category: 5


Module bootloader error erasing flash because address is protected

This error occurs when a module’s bootloader is incapable of erasing the flash as instructed by the IRI host, because the address is protected from erasure.

  • Error constant: 0x05000005
  • Category: 5


Module bootloader error erasing flash

This error occurs when a module’s bootloader is incapable of erasing the flash as instructed by the IRI host, because of a reason other than flash protection.

  • Error constant: 0x05000006
  • Category: 5


Module bootloader received an unknown command

This error occurs when a module’s bootloader receives an unknown command from the IRI host.

  • Error constant: 0x05000007
  • Category: 5


Module bootloader was unable to decode a command

This error occurs when a module’s bootloader receives a command from the IRI host but is unable to properly decode it.

  • Error constant: 0x05000008
  • Category: 5


Module error communicating with internal transceiver

This error occurs when internal communications with the radio transciever inside the module fail.

  • Error constant: 0x06000001
  • Category: 6


Module PA temperature exceeded part specification

This error occurs when the power amplifier temperature exceeds the maximum allowed value. The occurrence of this error will stop any ongoing RFID operation immediately to allow the PA to cool.

The temperature of the PA should be monitored using the E_IPJ_KEY_TEMPERATURE_PA key, and when it has returned to a lower value, RFID operations may be resumed.

For more information on managing module temperatures, see the device datasheets and hardware user’s guides.

  • Error constant: 0x07000001
  • Category: 7

Table Of Contents

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Regulatory Regions

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Platform and Report Handlers